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Varför blev det fred i Indonesien? - Lunds universitet

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Being deemed divisive, the 1961 census data regarding religion was not published. In 1971, three groups of Christians were recorded: Catholic, Protestant and other. Indonesia, (/ ˌ ɪ n d ə ˈ n iː ʒ ə,-z i ə,-ʃ ə /) officially the Republic of Indonesia, (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia) is a nation in Southeast Asia.It is part of the Malay Islands. 2021-04-16 · Indonesia - Indonesia - Religions: Nearly nine-tenths of the Indonesian population professes Islam. There are, however, pockets of Christians scattered throughout the country, particularly in Flores, Timor, northern Celebes, the interior of Kalimantan, and the Moluccas.

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There are more than 600 ethnicities in Indonesia, making it a multicultural archipelagic country with a diversity of languages, culture and religious beliefs. Indonesien har formellt religionsfrihet enligt konstitutionen, men i praktiken är den mycket begränsad. Endast sex religioner (islam, protestantism , katolicism , hinduism , buddhism och konfucianism ) har officiell religionsstatus och lagen kräver att alla i sina identitetshandlingar bekänner sig till någon av dessa.

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Sudans äldre historia kantas av motstånd, krig och religion. Japan importerar 14.7 %, Indonesien 8.83 % och Indien 4.86 %.

Indonesien religion wikipedia

I Indonesien är ön Bali idag en hinduistisk enklav, en Foto: Walker & Cockerell, efter Wiki- media Common. och att vi skulle sluta identifiera oss med andra på basis av etnicitet eller religion. utifrån tillhörighet till en social grupp", som Wikipedia beskriver det. Indonesien och Colombia att identitetspolitik i vissa fall kan leda till  Jag antar att du menar folkmordet i Indonesien 1965-1966.
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Here is a summary timetable, compiled from information at for Jakarta-Rangkas &  Other Indonesian areas gradually adopted Islam, making it the dominant religion in Java and Sumatra by the end of the 16th century. For the most part, Islam  119–122. ^ Leo Suryadinata, Evi Nurvidya Arifin, Aris Ananta; Indonesia's Population: Ethnicity and Religion in a Changing Political Landscape, 2003  The Sundanese are an Austronesian ethnic group native to the western part of the island of The adoption of this dharmic faith in Sundanese way of life was, however, never as intense as their Javanese counterparts.

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[1] Det ligger i provinsen Jakarta, i den västra delen av landet, 400 km öster om huvudstaden Jakarta. 2019-08-06 · The religion gained prominence in the 16th century, after the arrival of the Portuguese and, subsequently, the Dutch on the hunt for spices. Catholicism arrived first with the Dutch and the Portuguese, though by the early 17th century, the Protestant Reformation had swept across Europe, and more Protestant missionaries began to travel to Indonesia and Southeast Asia as a whole. Borneo er verdens tredjestørste ø efter Grønland og Ny Guinea.Borneo omfatter et areal på 736.000 km² og er delt mellem Malaysia, Brunei og Indonesien..

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Kategorie:Religion (Indonesien) Connected to: {{::readMoreArticle.title}} aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Commons: Religion in Indonesia – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien. Kategorien Kategorien: Indonesien; Religion (Asien) Religion nach Staat 2014-01-01 Cylonian religion (Battlestar Galactica) He Who Walks Behind the Rows (Children of the Corn) Eywa (Avatar) Followers of Mademoiselle (Martyrs) Muad'Dib (Dune) Children of Atom (Fallout) Indigenous traditional faiths. Traditionally, these faiths have all been classified as Indonesien, officiellt Republiken Indonesien (indonesiska: Republik Indonesia), är en stat i Sydostasien och Oceanien (västra Stilla havet).

Landet har därmed  Languages. Indonesian, Arabic, Indonesian regional languages.